Finding The Lost Parts: Soul Retrieval Through Dreamwork

I still can't comprehend how most people dismiss their dreams, they are the real deal when it comes to magic.

The power of Dreamwork or intentional dreaming, sits under our noses throughout our entire lifespan, patiently waiting for us to notice and play. This is a characteristic of real magic that I have come to recognise over and over.

It’s winter as I write this, a time of retreating inwards making it the perfect time for taking stock and some healthy introspection.

2 nights ago I was lying in bed listening to an episode of Rune Soup that mentioned 'Soul Retrieval’, a shamanic process of bringing back the lost parts of our soul. This is Soul seen as ‘energy’, a precious intelligence assigned at birth providing the twinkle in our eyes, joy, wonder and unconditional love - children are full to the brim with it. You could surmise that they are closer to having their souls intact.

Soul Retrieval recognises that moments of shock in our lives can lead to parts of our soul breaking off but thankfully being an energy it doesn’t cease to exist, just resides elsewhere.

Turns out, the fragments leaving, act like a protective mechanism protecting us from further hurt but in the process kind of hollowing us out. Reminds me of the lizard who can detach their tail to escape danger knowing it's gone for now, but, it'll be back.

The problem with too much fragmentation is we can feel lost, numb, it all seems grey, people report no longer dreaming, depression or a grief that never lifts. Many experts such as Gabor Mate, Bessel Van der kolk believe physical illness to be seeded by shock and trauma.

But 2 nights ago, feeling safe in myself, and out of sheer curiosity I asked my dream to “Find my lost parts!".

My dream guides respond best to a heartfelt but simple, (somewhat bossy) instruction. But don’t feel bad for them, they speak to me that way too. It’s our thing.

The night’s dreaming was jam packed with places and people, the quality of my sleep was lighter and more physical, much turning and pillow plumping.

On waking, I knew the work was not quite done but that an opening had been created allowing it all to flow out; both the memories and tears.

So I started to write, to reclaim these scattered bits of soul recalling moments from as young as I could remember. Rather like a scavenger hunt on a map of my memories.

When I found them, I pictured the scene in my mind, those moments where I'd felt punched in the gut (metaphorically speaking) by shock, a searing pain of shame, or a throbbing, heaving sadness in my heart.

Vignettes appeared like video clips, in full colour and still full of emotion.

Up to now I’d established a pattern of turning away from these memories but now I stepped into the scene and spoke to 'child me', as 'adult me'. My task was simply to comfort 'child me', reassure her and rebalance all those disempowering opinions that I’d held with the wisdom that comes with time. I took on the guise of a kind teacher, kneeling down to 7 year old me to reassure her that I in fact had not done anything wrong…you get the idea.

It felt good to let it flow out of my imaginal and through me - literally - out of my eyeballs.

No resistance, no more fear.

The whole idea of soul retrieval is fascinating but certainly comes with a warning, is it right to bring our lost parts back into a similar shitty situation? No, they've kept us safe for a reason, why re-traumatise.

Because I am not in those situations now, I felt safe to do this on myself. I’m not sure this dream request would count as legit, shaman-trained Soul Retrieval but when I think of those events now, that were buried in my subconscious for 40+ years (and therefore influencing around 90% of my decision making) I feel far less sting.

Something had changed.

Thank you dream, soul (whatever you are) and imaginal realm for listening to my request and helping me fulfil the task.

Working with our higher-selves whether though dreamwork or guided imagination is both subtle, highly personal and profound work.

If you’re keen to explore the power of intentional dreamwork and its potential for healing and self-discovery, The Luminous Arts runs again February 2025. This fun, nurturing online group programme provides all you need to connect with your dreams and understand their messages.

Check out The Luminous Arts
page for more info.

Clare x


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